Handmade in Finland
Our chocolate is made by the magical chocolate artists. The chocolate is minimally processed to keep the ingredients as close to their natural state as possible which means that our artists are carefully crafting each bar.
Chocolate making has four phases: grinding, tempering, cooling and packagingn. We make our chocolates in low production temperatures ensure a rich taste that honors the cacao and its origins. Learn more about the process here.
Head Chocolatier Sami Nupponen
Sami is a food enthusiastic who believes that the secret of a balanced diet is a chocolate bar in both hands.
"I've been working in the food industry for my entire career and confectionary is something fairly new for me."
"The best thing about making chocolate is of course that you have to make sure that the quality is excellent by regular tastings."
Chocolate Artists
We have a great team of chocolate makers who make our bars from bean to a finished bar. Each phase of chocolate making requires skillful hands of these people as there is no machine that can replace their "chocolate sense" in quality.
10% rule - at any given time we have a minimum of 10% of our workers who have been previously long term unemployed. At the moment we have two people with hearing impairment and one with social challenges. So that makes actually 40% of our workforce.
“Your people make your company”, said a wise man once. One of our people is Tuomo who suffers from hearing loss. Feels like Tuomo is always in a good mood smiling to everyone while making his magic with the chocolates.

Our chocolate artist by day and rock star by night. Tapsa is the one who can fix anything and everything in the chocolate factory. And always with a big smile :)

This amazing woman is Sarmite. She works at our factory and is such a
boss-lady when she slides chocolates into envelopes. She’s deaf but that
doesn’t stop her from being the fastest packer in the world! We’re so
lucky to have her in our team 💜

Jorma is one of our first chocolate artists and the master of stone grinders. He makes sure that the recipe for chocolate mass is always correct and the grinding is done gently and with care.

Jenna is our special artist when it comes to making master pieces with different toppings. Her touch of making beautiful chocolate bars is beyond magic!